Experts Questions and Answers

Joanne McPhail
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I have been advised to make my offer conditional upon the approval of my lawyer. Is this necessary? If so, what is the fee for this service and how long would it take for you to approve/disapprove from the time I submit it into your office?

Posted by Jeff to Joanne McPhail  ::  Views (12468)
Sorry this has taken me so long - I was away on vacation last week!  You may have already proceeded, but yes, it is typical to make an offer conditional upon solicitor's approval - I can usually review and comment on an offer within 1 business day but it's nice to have 2 just in case.  I do not charge an additional fee, if you do the purchase through me, unless there are major negotitations and a great deal of time is spent.  but generally, it's included in the purchase fees. Hope this helps!   Joanne

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